What Can Damage Your Air Conditioner Unit?

Decorating your outdoor air conditioner unit with a fashionable cover, such as a bag, can restrict air flow to the air conditioner and damage the compressor, which is the core of the air conditioning system. If the compressor fails and is not covered by the warranty, the repair costs will be very high. The most common cause of a frozen air conditioner is a dirty or blocked air filter, so it's important to check it while you wait for the unit to defrost. During the summer season, when it's hot and you want to cool down, you may make some mistakes when operating your air conditioner, which can damage it or cost you a lot of money on air conditioner repair bills.

Not changing air conditioning filters can have serious consequences, such as restricting air flow, reducing air quality, freezing the evaporator coil, increasing bills, and even causing permanent damage to the unit. Another mistake that almost all air conditioning users make is setting the temperature of an air conditioner unit below the desired temperature to cool the room faster. This practice can also cause damage to the unit.

Anita Findlen
Anita Findlen

Proud travelaholic. Typical internet nerd. Devoted sushi buff. Incurable travel fanatic. Certified internet guru. Wannabe social media lover.

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